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张和友:An Investigation on How-Why Alternation in Nanchang Dialect From the cross-dialect comparison perspective

发布时间: 2013-08-15

张和友《An Investigation on How-Why Alternation in Nanchang Dialect From the cross-dialect comparison perspective》,《International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing》,2013年第3期。

Abstract:Compared with the how-why alternation system in Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese and other Dialects in Southern China, the how-why alternation system in Nanchang Dialect has several its own characteristics. Based on the lexical structure theory, throughcomparing with the dim‘how’ wh-words familyin Cantonese and zen ‘how’ wh-words familyin Mandarin Chinese, this paperwoulddescribe the syntactic features in the how-why alternation process of the lang ‘how’ wh words family in Nanchang Dialect, and tryto explain the characteristics of the lang wh-words family.

Key words: Nanchang Dialect,wh-word,cause,manner,lexical structure

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