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Published: 2020-05-17






Professor and Vice Dean

School of Chinese Language and Literature

Beijing Normal University

Beijing 100875, China

Tel: 86-10-5880-7998 (Office)

E-mail: lihuiyang@bnu.edu.cn

Website: http:/szdw/mjwxyjs/200244.html




1991-1994 Ph.D. Folklore. Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

1988-1991 M.A. Folklore. Liaoning University, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China

1984-1988 B.A. Chinese Language and Literature. Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China


Professional Employment and Experiences

2018-Present Vice Dean for International Exchange and Cooperation, School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University

2017-2018 Acting Vice Dean for International Exchange and Cooperation, School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University

2015-2017 Vice Director of Expert Group of China Folklore Society as Evaluation Body of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, UNESCO

2006-2007 Visiting Associate, Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard University, USA

2005-Present Professor, Folklore Institute, Beijing Normal University

2000-2001 Research Associate, Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA

1996-2005 Associate Professor, School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University

1994-1996 Post-doctoral Fellow, Folklore Institute, Chinese Department, Beijing Normal University

1991-1994 Part-time Assistant to the Vice Dean of Chinese Department, Beijing Normal University


Membership in Scholarly Societies

2018-Present  Vice President of China Folklore Society

2018-Present  Deputy Chair of Beijing Folk Literature and Art Association

Selected Awards and Honors

2019 Keynote Speech, The Fourth Academic Symposium Dialogue between Chinese Language Teaching and Culture and the Arts, Cardiff University, UK. “The Loong/Dragons in Ancient Chinese Myths: And a Discussion about the Way of Understanding in Cross-Cultural Communication.”

2018 Keynote Speech, Natural Disaster and Religion/Mythology, Sendai, Tohoku University, Japan. “Destructions and Reconstructions of the World: Natural Disasters in Chinese Mythology.”

2017 Excellent Teacher Award. Beijing Normal University.

2016 Excellent Course Award. Beijing Normal University.

2015 Shanhua Research Award to the book Motif Index of Chinese Mythology (《中国神话母题索引》)Chinese Folk Literature and Art Association.

2014 Qianyuan Excellent Teacher Award. Beijing Normal University.

2012 Award for Outstanding Criticism on Literature and Art to the article “Context, Process, Performer, and the Facing-present Folkloristics: Performance Theory and Changes of Contemporary Chinese Folklore Studies” (《语境、过程、表演者与朝向当下的民俗学——表演理论与中国民俗学的当代转型》). China Federation of Literature and Art Circles.

2011a Shanhua Research Award for the monograph Myth and Mythology (《神话与神话学》) . Chinese Folk Literature and Art Association.

2011b  American Folklore Society grant for international scholars to attend its annual meeting

2006-2007 Visiting Associate, Harvard-Yeching Institute, Harvard University

2006 American Folklore Society grant for international scholars to attend its annual meeting

2004 Excellent Young Teacher Award. Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation.

2003 Outstanding Young Teacher Award. Beijing Normal University.

2001 Shanhua Research Award for the monograph The Cult of Nüwa: Myths and Beliefs in China (《女娲的神话与信仰》). Chinese Folk Literature and Art Association.

2000a The Teaching and Research Award Program for Outstanding Young Teachers in Higher Education Institutes of the Ministry of Education. Ministry of Education, China

2000b Excellent Research on Philosophy and Social Sciences Award for the monograph Rethinking on the Origin Area of the Belief in Nüwa (《女娲溯源——女娲信仰起源地的再推测》). Beijing Philosophy and Social Science Committee.

2000-2001 Studying Abroad Fund for conducting visiting research in Indiana University. China Scholarship Council.

1998 Excellent Research on Philosophy and Social Sciences Award for the monograph The Cult of Nüwa: Myths and Beliefs in China (《女娲的神话与信仰》). Beijing Philosophy and Social Science Committee.

1994 Excellent Paper Award for the article “Field Report on Myths and Beliefs of the Goddess Nüwa in Central China” (《中原女娲神话与信仰的田野考察报告》). China Folklore Society.


Main Publications


Monograph in English


[2005] 2008 Handbook of Chinese Mythology. Lihui Yang, Deming An, with Jessica Anderson Turner. Santa Barbara, Denver and Oxford: ABC-CLIO.

Reprinted by Oxford University Press, 2008.


Monographs in Chinese


2019 《当代中国的神话主义》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,出版中。

Mythologism in Contemporary China. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, in press.


2018a [2013]  《中国神话母题索引》(合著),西安:陕西师范大学出版社。

Motif Index of Chinese Mythology. First author, with Zhang Chengfu. Xi’an: Shaanxi Normal University Press.


2018b [2011] 《现代口承神话的民族志研究——以四个汉族社区为个案》(合著),西安:陕西师范大学出版社。

Myths Orally Transmitted in Contemporary China: An Ethnographic Study of Four Han Communities. First author, with Zhang Xia, Xu Fang, Li Hongwu, and Tong Yunli. Xi’an: Shaanxi Normal University Press.


2009  《神话与神话学》,北京:北京师范大学出版社。

Myths and Mythology. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press.


1999 《女娲溯源——女娲信仰起源地的再推测》,北京:北京师范大学出版社。Rethinking the Origin Area of the Belief in the Goddess Nüwa. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press.


1998 《金猴献瑞》(合著),北京:社会科学文献出版社

A Study of Monkey, A Sign of Chinese Zodiac. Second author, with An Deming. Beijing: Social Science and Literate Publishing House.


1997 《女娲的神话与信仰》,北京:中国社会科学出版社

The Cult of Nüwa: Myths and Beliefs in China). Beijing: China Social Sciences Publishing House.


Articles in English


2015a The Effectiveness and Limitations of “Context”: Reflections Based on Ethnographic Research of Myth Traditions. Asian Ethnology, Volume 74, Number 2, 363–377.


2015b Chinese Folklore since the Late 1970s: Achievements, Difficulties, and Challenges. (with Deming An) Asian Ethnology, Volume 74, Number 2, 273–290.


 2011a The World of Chinese Mythology: An Introduction (with Deming An). In China’s Creation and Origin Myths: Cross-cultural Explorations in Oral and Written Traditions. Eds. Mineke Schipper, Ye Shuxian, and Yin Hubin. Leiden and Boston: Brill, pp. 25-54.


2011b Performing Myths Today: A Field Study of Renzu Temple Festival. In China’s Creation and Origin Myths: Cross-cultural Explorations in Oral and Written Traditions. Eds. Mineke Schipper, Ye Shuxian, and Yin Hubin. Leiden and Boston: Brill, pp. 239-260.


Articles in Japanese


2019 《世界の壊滅と再生——中国神話における自然災害》,山田仁史訳,《東北宗教學》15号,1231号,pp. 47-70.



Selected Articles in Chinese


2018 《世界的毁灭与重生:中国神话中的自然灾害》,《民俗研究》2018年第6期,57-66页。

Deconstruction and Reconstruction of the World: Natural Disasters in Chinese Myths. Folklore Studies, 6: 57-66.


2017a 《民俗生命的循环:神话与神话主义的互动》,《民俗研究》2017年第6期,20-31页;人大报刊复印资料《文化研究》2018年第4期全文转载,

The Circulation of Folklore Life: The Interaction between Myth and Mythologism. Folklore Studies, 6: 20-31.

Reprinted in Cultural Research (Information Center for Social Sciences, RUC), 4 (2018).


2017b 《官民协作:中国非物质文化遗产保护的本土实践之路——以河北涉县女娲信仰的四百年保护历程为个案》,《云南师范大学学报》2017年第6, 64-73页。

The Road of Indigenous Practice in Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Study of 400 Years of Safeguarding Nüwa Belief in Wahuang Temple in She County, Hebei Province. Journal of Yunnan Normal University, 6: 64-73.


2017c 《神话主义研究的追求与意义》,《民间文化论坛》2017年第5期,29-31 页。

The Goal and Significance of Mythologism Studies. Folk Culture Forum, 5: 29-31.


2016 《神话VS神话主义:质疑神话主义的异质性》,《云南师范大学学报》,2016年第6期,25-34 页。

Myth vs. Mythologism: With Reflections on the Heterogeneity of Mythologism. Journal of Yunnan Normal University, 6: 25-34.


2015 神话主义的再阐释:前因与后果》,《长江大学学报》2015年第5期,1-6页。

Reinterpreting “Mythologism”: Reasons and Results. Journal of Changjiang University, 5: 1–6.


2014a 《遗产旅游语境中的神话主义——以导游词底本与导游的叙事表演为中心》,《民俗研究》,2014年第1期,27-37页;人大报刊复印资料《文化研究》2014年第4期全文转载。

Mythologism in Heritage Tourism: Focusing on Tour Guide Scripts and Myth-telling Performances. Folklore Studies, 1: 27-37.

Reprinted in Cultural Research (Information Center for Social Sciences, RUC), 4(2014).


2014b 《当代中国电子媒介中的神话主义》,《云南师范大学学报》,2014年第4期,69-77页。

Mythologism in Digital Media of Contemporary China. Journal of Yunnan Normal University, 4: 69-77.


2013 21世纪外国神话学的研究趋向》,《文化遗产》,2013年第3期,88—97页。

The Current Tendency of International Mythological Studies since 21st Century. Cultural Heritage, 3: 88-97.


2012 《语境的效度与限度》,《民俗研究》2012年第3期,17-26页。

The Effectiveness and Limitations of Context. Folklore Studies, 3: 7-26.


2011 、过程、表演者与朝向当下的中国民俗学——表演理论与中国民俗学的当代转型》,《民俗研究》2011年第1期,7-32页。

Context, Process, Performer, and Present-facing Folkloristics: Performance Theory and Changes of Contemporary Chinese Folklore Studies. Folklore Studies, 1:7-32.


2010 《表演理论及其对神话研究的启示——兼谈神话的综合研究法》,收入陈器文主编:《新世纪神话研究之反思》,《兴大中文学报》(台湾)第27期增刊,569-590页。

Performance Theory and Its Inspirations to Mythological Studies: A Discussion about the Synthetic Approach. In Reflections on Mythological Studies in the New Century, ed. Chen Qiwen. Xingda Zhongwen Xuebao (Taiwan) 27: 569-590.


2009 《全球化、反全球化与中国民间传统的重构——以大型国产动画片<哪吒传奇>为例》,《北京师范大学学报》,2009年第1期,80-86页。

Globalization, Anti-globalization and the Reconstruction of Chinese Folk Tradition: A Study of the Animated Film Legend of Nezha. Journal of Beijing Normal University, 1:80-86.


2007 民俗主义概念的涵义、应用及其对当代中国民俗学建设的意义》,《民间文化论坛》,2007年第1,50-54页。

Folklorism: Its Connotation, Application, and Significance to Chinese Folklore Studies. Folk Culture Forum, 1: 50-54.


2006a 《神话的重建:以<九歌><风帝国><哪吒传奇>为例》,《民族艺术》2006年第4,65-71页。

The Reconstruction of Myth: Centered upon Nine Songs, the Feng Empire, and the Legend of Nezha. Ethnic Arts Quarterly, 4: 65-71.


2006b 《神话一定是神圣的叙事吗——有关神话界定的反思之一》,《民族文学研究》2006年第3期,81-87页;人大报刊复印资料《中国古代、近代文学研究》2007年第1期全文转载。

Must Myth be “Sacred Narrative?” A Reflection on Definitions of Myth. Studies of Ethnic Literature, 3: 6-11.

Reprinted in Researches of Chinese Classic and Modern Literature (Information Center for Social Sciences, RUC), 1 (2007).


2006c 《从自然语境实际语境”——反思民俗学的田野作业追求》,《民俗研究》2006年第2期,第5-20页。

From Natural Context to Practical Context: A Reflection on Folklorists’ Endeavor in Fieldwork. Folklore Studies, 2: 5-20.


2006d 《美国当代民俗学的主要理论和方法》(第一作者),见:周星主编:《民俗学的历史、理论与方法》,商务出版社,20063月,595-638页。

Current Theories and Methods of Folkloristics in America (first author, with An Deming). In History, Theories and Methods of Folkloristics, ed. Zhou Xing. Beijing: Shangwu Publishing House, 595-638.


2006e 《民间叙事的表演——以兄妹婚神话的口头表演为例,兼谈中国民间叙事研究的方法问题》,见:吕微、安德明主编,《民间叙事的多样性》,北京:学苑出版社, 20063月,233-271页。

The Performance of Folk Narrative: A Study of Oral Performance of Brother-sister Marriage Myth, and a Discussion of the Synthetic Approach of Chinese Folk Narrative Studies”. In Diversity of Folk Narratives, eds. Lü Wei and An Deming. Beijing: Xueyuan Publishing House, 233-271.


2005a 《仪式的合法性与神话的解构和重构》,《北京师范大学学报》2005年第6期,61-68页;人大报刊复印资料《中国古代、近代文学研究》2006年第4期全文转载,12-20页。

The Legitimacy of Ritual and Reconstruction and Deconstruction of Myth. Journal of Beijing Normal University, 6: 61-68.

Reprinted in Researches of Chinese Classic and Modern Literature (Information Center for Social Sciences, RUC), 4 (2006): 12-20.


2005b 《民间叙事的传承与表演》,《文学评论》,2005年第2期,140-147页。

Transmission and Performance of Folk Narrative: An Ethnographic Study of Two Performance Events of Myth-telling at Renzu Temple Fair, Huaiyang County. Literature Review, 2: 140-147.


2005c 《从神话的文本溯源研究到综合研究》,《民间文化论坛》2005年第2期,9-11页。

Myth Studies: From Text Analysis to Synthetic Approach. Folk Culture Forum, 2: 9-11.


2004a 《民族志诗学的理论与实践》,《北京师范大学学报》2004年第6期。

Ethnopoetics: Theory and Practice. Journal of Beijing Normal University, 6: 49-54.


2004b 《美国公众民俗学的理论贡献与相关反思》,《广西民族学院学报》2004年第5期,92-95,110页。

Public Folklore: Reflection on Its Theoretical Contributions. Journal of Guangxi College for Nationalities, 5: 92-95, 110.


2004c 《表演理论与民间叙事研究》,《民俗研究》2004年第1期,30-46页。

Performance Theory and Folk Narrative Study. Folklore Studies, 1: 36-46.


1999a 《历史关怀与实证研究——钟敬文民间文艺学思想研究之二》,《北京师范大学学报》1999年第6期,27-33页。

Historical Perspective and Positivism Approach: Zhong Jingwen’s Theories on Chinese Folklore Studies. Journal of Beijing Normal University, 6: 27-33.


1999b 《钟敬文及其民间文艺学思想》,《文学评论》1999年第5期,151-156页;人大报刊复印资料《文艺理论》2000年第1期全文转载。

Zhong Jingwen and His Theoretical Contributions to Chinese Folklore Studies” ). Wenxue Pinglun 5: 151-156.

Reprinted in Literature Theory (Information Center for Social Sciences, RUC), 1 (2000).


1999c 《生民造物的始祖与英雄——谈猴神话》,见:《中国民俗学年刊》(1999年),上海文艺出版社,225-241页。

Myths of Monkey as Ancestors and Cultural Heroes. In Chinese Folklore Annual, ed. Chinese Folklore Society. Shanghai: Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House, 225-241.


1999d 《中国神话学的现状与未来》,《文艺报》1999921

Chinese Mythology: Today and the Future. Wenyi Bao, Sep. 21.


1999e 《文化功能的衍变——从女娲神话看中原神话的文化功能》,见:张振犁主编:《东方文明的曙光——中原神话论》,上海:东方出版中心19992月,140164页。

On the Change of the Function of Myth: Cultural Functions of Myths in Central China, Seen through Nüwa Myth. In Investigation of Myths in Central China, ed. Zhang Zhenli. Shanghai: Orient Publishing Center, 140-164.


1998a 《街子乡的社火》(合著),《民俗曲艺》(台北)第115期,189210页。

An Investigation of Shehuo Performance in Jiezi, a Farming Village in Tianshui, Gansu Province” (first author, with An Deming). Studies in Ritual, Theatre and Folklore (Taibei), 115: 189-210.


1998b 《甘肃天水地区的女娲信仰》,《民俗曲艺》(台北)第111期,211-230页。

A Field Report of Nüwa Myths and Beliefs in Tianshui, Gansu Province. Studies in Ritual, Theatre and Folklore (Taibei), 111: 211-230.


1997a 《传承与变异——女娲神话的流变》,见:王铭铭、潘忠党主编:《象征与社会:中国民间文化的探讨》,天津:天津人民出版社,302-344页。

The Transmission and Variation of Nüwa Myths. In Symbol and Society: Investigations of Chinese Folk Culture, eds. Wang Mingming and Pan Zhongdang. Tianjin: People's publishing House of Tianjin, 302-344.


1997b 《伏羲女娲与兄妹婚神话的粘连与复合》,《北京师范大学学报》1997年第6期,24-30页;人大报刊复印资料《中国古代、近代文学研究》1998年第2期全文转载。

The Adhesion and Compound of Fuxi and Nüwa with the Brother-Sister Marriage Myth. Journal of Beijing Normal University, 6: 24-30.

Reprinted in Researches of Chinese Classic and Modern Literature (Information Center for Social Sciences, RUC), 2 (1998).


1996a 《女娲信仰起源于西北渭水流域的推测——从女娲的人首蛇身像谈起》,《北京师范大学学报》1996年第6期,55-60页。

Rethinking the Origin Area of the Beliefs in Nüwa: Based on Nüwas Iconography.  Journal of Beijing Normal University, 6: 55-60.


1996b 《始母神——女娲神格的基点和中心》,《民间文学论坛》1996年第2期,19-2518页。

The Core of Nüwa Beliefs: The Great Mother of Mankind. Folk Literature Forum 2: 19-25+18.


1996c 《中原女娲神话及其信仰习俗的考察报告》,《中国民俗学研究》第2辑,中国民俗学会编,中央民族大学出版社,199610月,157-176页。

A Field Report of Nüwa Myths and Beliefs in Henan and Hebei Provinces. In Chinese Folklore Studies, vol. 2, ed. China Folklore Society. Beijing: The Central University for Nationalities Press, 157-176.


1996d 《中国古代神话研究史上的合理主义》(与钟敬文先生合著,执笔人),见:王秋桂主编:《中国神话与传说学术研讨会论文集》上册,台北:汉学研究中心,19963月,33-59页。

Rationalism in the History of Ancient Chinese Myth Studies (with Prof. Zhong Jingwen). In The Collected Papers from the Conference on Chinese Myth and Legend, ed. Wang Qiugui. Taibei: Hanxue Yanjiu Zhongxin, 33-59.


1994a 《新时期中国民俗学复兴的社会背景》,见中国民俗学会编:《中国民俗学研究》(第一辑),北京:中央民族大学出版社,1994年,291-302页。

The Context of the Revival of Chinese Folklore Studies in Contemporary China. In Chinese Folklore Studies, vol.1, ed. China Folklore Society. Beijing: Central University for Nationalities Press, 291-302.


1994b 《女娲神话研究史略》,《北京师范大学学报》1994年第1期,88-94页。

A Brief History of Nüwa Myth Studies. Journal of Beijing Normal University, 1: 88-94.


Translation (articles and books from English to Chinese)


2015 理查德·鲍曼:《表演中的文本与语境:文本化与语境化》,《西北民族研究》2015年第4,122-137.

Text and Context in Performance: Textualizaion and Contextualization (by Richard Bauman). Northwestern Ethno-National Studies, 4: 122-137.


2010a 沃尔夫冈·卡舒巴:《欧洲的文化遗产:抑或本真的神话》,《民俗研究》,2010年第4期,5-16页。

Cultural Heritage in Europe – or the Myth of Authentic? (by Wolfgang Kaschuba). Folklore Studies, 4: 5-16.


2010b 沃尔夫冈·卡舒巴:《从国家的到全球的:变迁中的欧洲认同?》,《民俗研究》,2010年第3期,5-15页。

From National to Cultural: European Identities on the Move? (by Wolfgang Kaschuba). Folklore Studies, 3: 5-15.


2008 理查德·鲍曼:《作为表演的口头艺术》,第一译者,桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2008年。

Verbal Arts as Performance (by Richard Bauman). First translator, with An Deming. Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press.


2006 理查德·鲍曼:民俗界定与研究中的传统观(合译),《民族艺术》,2006年第2期,20-25页。

Conceptions of Tradition in the Definition and Study of Folklore (by Richard Bauman), cooperating with An Deming. Ethnic Arts Quarterly, 2: 20-25.


2005 理查德·鲍曼:美国民俗学和人类学领域中的表演观,《民族文学研究》,2005年第3期,139-144页。

Perspectives on Performance in American Folklore and Anthropology (by Richard Bauman). Studies of Ethnic Literature, 3: 139-144.


2004 杰茜卡·安德森·特纳:旅游景点的文化表演之研究,《民族艺术》,2004年第1期。

Cultural Performances at Tourist Sites: Converging Scholarships (by Jessica Anderson Turner). Ethnic Arts Quarterly, 1: 6-11, 17.


1992 阿尔文·P·科恩:怀念东方学者爱伯哈德,《北京师范大学学报》,1992年第5期,31-34页。

In Memoriam: Wolfram Eberhard, 1909-1989 (by Alvin P. Cohen). Journal of Beijing Normal University, 5: 31-34.


Academic Interviews


2003a 《阿兰·邓迪斯:精神分析学说的执着追随者和民俗学领地的坚定捍卫者》(合作,第一作者),《民俗研究》2003年第3期,48-63页。

Alan Dundes: A Sturdy Follower of Psychoanalysis and Faithful Protector of Folkloristics: An Interview (first author, co-operated with An Deming, Gao Bingzhong and Zou Minghua). Folklore Studies, 3: 48-63.


2003b 《理查德鲍曼及其表演理论》,《民俗研究》2003年第1期,59-74页。

Richard Bauman and His Performance Theory: An Interview (first author, co-operated with An Deming). Folklore Studies, 1: 59-74.


Research Projects Directed

2018~2023   "Creative Transformation of Chinese mythological Resources and Construction of Contemporary mythology." Sponsored by The Key Project Grant of the National Social Science Fund of China.


2018~2023   Creative Transformation of Chinese Myths in the Context of Heritage Tourism.” Sponsored by the National Social Sciences Fund of China.


20112015  Mythologism in Contemporary China.” Sponsored by the National Social Sciences Fund of China.


2005~2007 “New Trends of International Folkloristics.” Sponsored by Beijing Normal University


2003~2006 Transmission and Transformation of Myths Orally Transmitted in Contemporary China. Sponsored by the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, the Ministry of Education of P. R. China


2000~2005 The Performance of Folk Narrative: An Ethnographic Study of Folk Narratives in Today’s China. Sponsored by the Teaching and Research Award Program for Outstanding Young Teachers in Higher Education Institutes of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education of P. R. China


Courses Taught

Introduction to Folklore


Contemporary International Folkloristics

Safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage in China

Folklore Fieldwork

Copyright © 2019 School of Chinese Language and Literature Beijing Normal University