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Published: 2019-12-18

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CAO Mengxue


Ph. D. in Phonetics

Lecturer, Supervisor of postgraduate candidates

Executive manager of the Phonetic Laboratory

Institute of Modern Chinese, School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University.


My research is primarily concerned with the interdisciplinary studies in phonetic science, especially in child language acquisition, computational modeling of language acquisition, and modern Chinese dialects. In particular, I am interested in the mechanisms of child language acquisition under cross-dialect environment.



E-mail: mengxue.cao@bnu.edu.cn

Address: Room C4057, School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University, No.19 Xin Jie Kou Wai Da Jie, Beijing, 100875, CHINA



         2012-2015 Postgraduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Ph. D. in Phonetics

         2010-2011 University of Edinburgh, M. Sc. in Speech and Language Processing

         2006-2010 Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications / Queen Mary, University of London, dual B. E. in Telecommunication Engineering with Management


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